showing 2 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
Trauma Center: Under the Knife  Atlus;Nintendo (Spike)2005In Trauma Center: Under the Knife, the patients' lives are in your hands!
Heart surgery and tumor removal might look easy from the morphine end, but how do you think the doctor feels? Well, you're about to find out!
The Nintendo DS puts you above the operating table with 10 different instruments at your surgical disposal.
As Dr. Derek Stiles, you'll experience all the drama we've come to expect from the medical field. So go ahead, toss on some scrubs and step into the O.R. - it's time to play doctor.***
[86]***This doc sim focuses on surgeries, with an arcade-style interface once you've scrubbed up and gotten elbows-deep in a body cavity.

Trauma Center: Under the Knife lets YOU play doctor, as you use the stylus as your scalpel to solve complex surgical puzzles with extreme precision. All the while experience a compelling story with intriguing characters. At first you think it's just another day in the OR, but when a mysterious outbreak sweeps the area, the patients lives are in your hands no pressure.
Trauma Center: Under the Knife 2  Atlus (Atlus;Vanguard Entertainment)2008 labelimageminimize